Agus S. Sigit has been online since before the World Wide Web was born. He has been writing programming database software since he was 23, and spent 16 years in the Oil & Gas Company as a project management control.
Now, He's created pipeline traceability software, provide a service related to pipe tracking in pipeline projects. This service comprises of data recording, tracking, evaluating, and reporting of your every single joint of pipe. The result shall be satisfying your QC dept (hydrotest package, welding analyzing, etc.), Project Control dept (progress calculation, invoice support, etc.) and also logistic purposes (pipe delivery control)
This program supports multiple lines, pipe sizes, branches, simultaneous barge trips, and random pipe installation (you may install the pipes with no sequence, the program will sort it accordingly). We minimize retyping, this will help to protect you from any error.Like what you see? Then subscribe to Pipe Traceability Tracking Software!
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